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Frequently Asked Questions

Who hires a Personal Stylist?

Anyone that wants to is the easy answer to that!  My job as a Personal Stylist is to understand your needs and give you the tools to enjoy getting dressed each day, feel confident in your own style and make your life easier by guiding you through how to buy clothes when you are faced with shops crammed full of clothes and intimidating changing rooms.  Whether a one off booking or a regular seasonal style and shop I get to know you and your needs.  A Personal Stylist is not just for the rich and famous!


Why do people hire a Personal Stylist?

Overwhelmed with choice, not enough clothes to make an outfit, stuck in the same style routine, you've changed but your style hasn't, change in body shape, lifestyle, personal circumstance, re-entering the workforce, promotion.....the reasons are as personal to you as our time together.  I love taking the stress out of style and helping you to love your clothes, dress the body you have and have fun with fashion again.


Where are you based?

Bayside Melbourne.  Recently returned from the U.K. to Sandringham, I now work with ladies across South East Melbourne. 



Should I lose weight before I make a booking?

No! A big misconception is that we need to lose weight or change our bodies before feeling great in our clothes.  A personal styling session/wardrobe consultation will help you understand how to dress the amazing body you already have from the clothes in your closet.  Feeling in control of how to dress your unique shape will help you buy the right clothes, feel great and save money on clothes that you don't enjoy wearing or don't wear at all.  You can feel great now in the body you have.


Will you make me throw out my clothes?

Definitely not!

Any decision to remove clothes from your wardrobe is made by you.  You are in control of the session, I give you the tools to help you make the right decisions for your body, lifestyle, style choices and budget.



I hate shopping but really need to update my wardrobe, can you help?

You'd be amazed at the amount of ladies that don't love shopping.  Shopping with a Personal Stylist saves you time and money by curating a list of items before shopping together.  My job is to complete a pre shop that saves us time and we can be in and out without the agonising time spent alone in the change room and walking away empty handed.



I don't know what my style is, can you help?

Of course!  We work together to find out what you love to wear, how you want to feel in your clothes and how to put combinations together to achieve your goals.  My 'Try On & Style' session might be all you need to get you excited and energised to wear what you love and create your own style.



I don't have a lot of money to buy all new clothes but need help with what to wear and what suits me.

Great style doesn't have to cost lots of money.  Simply understanding how to dress your unique shape and how to put outfit combinations together will save you money.  A Wardrobe Consultation gives you the tools to wear your existing clothes with confidence, create new combinations and we create a list of items that can be purchased to help make the most of what you have and your budget.


I copy styles I love but it never feels right, what am I doing wrong?

This can often happen when we try to create a look instead of a feeling.  If it doesn't feel right then we go back to the basics and work out what you are trying to feel (create) and work from there, taking into account your body shape and lifestyle.  With a few tips and tricks you can be feeling more confident to wear the style you want. 


I love to shop and have lots of clothes but still nothing to wear!

A common problem but don't worry this is where a Wardrobe Consultation will help.  Looking at what you already own, what you actually wear, body shape, and how you combine your outfits we will discover not only your buying patterns but how to make the most out of what you already have.  You'll learn how to create complete outfits and make the most of what you already have without feeling the need to buy more. 


If you'd like to find out more or have a no obligation chat to see if we are the right fit reach out on a medium you feel most comfortable. Lets Talk








Style Notes By Kellie 2021

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