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Personal Shopping

Your Shopping Experience


There are many reasons we like to shop with others, mostly we like the idea that there will be a guiding friend to tell us we look great or stop us from making a fashion faux pas!


By shopping with a Personal Stylist you get a personal touch with a professional eye.  Before shopping we outline your goals, we may have already created a list of items needed to update your existing wardrobe from your Wardrobe Consultation or be shopping for a specific occasion.


Whatever the reason you'd like help shopping, it will be a completely personalised experience for your own individual needs.  After booking your shopping experience we'll spend time discussing your goals for the shop and I will complete a pre-shop to get the best out of our time together.


Learn how to stop buying the same pieces that no longer serve your style or body shape,  be able to walk in-to any shop and discover what works best for you, without feeling overwhelmed and uninspired.  Try on items you wouldn't have picked up and learn how to save money buying items that work with your existing wardrobe, creating more outfit choices and new combinations.


A shopping experience runs for up to four hours so wear comfortable shoes!


I had such a fun and informative shopping day with Kellie. We explored which shapes and styles worked for me at a pace that meant I wasn’t over whelmed and I am totally in love with my new gorgeous coat! The shoes you helped me choose were the absolute icing on the cake too!

Kellie, your patience and attention to detail is amazing and I can not recommend you highly enough.

Thank you so much for such a fabulous day! 

Joanne M

Style Notes By Kellie 2021

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